“学涯外语讲坛”第五十四讲:Sandro Jung 教授

发布时间:2022-10-27   浏览次数:

讲座题目:“Reading Robinson Crusoe in 1722: Considering the E. Midwinter Edition”

主讲人:Sandro Jung 教授






How was Robinson Crusoe read in the year 1722? This presentation seeks to answer this question at least in part by recovering how historical readers encountered Daniel Defoe’s novel in the form of an affordable abridgment that was issued that year by the London bookseller, E. Midwinter. Midwinter’s edition offered a version of the work that in material respects differed from the first-edition text published in 1719. Apart from being abridged, it boasted a large number of illustrative woodcuts – a much larger number of illustrations than had previously accompanied an edition ofRobinson Crusoe. These woodcuts offered an interpretive series of paratextual gateways to Defoe’s work that assisted readers not only in understanding the work as a whole but that also, through its profusion of illustrations, created a visual narrative with foci of its own. Building on earlier work of mine, specifically“Book Illustration and the Transnational Mediation ofRobinson Crusoein 1720” (Philological Quarterly, 2020),this presentation will centrally examine the woodcuts and their role in the reading history ofRobinson Crusoe. Given these woodcuts’ reprinting over several decades, their presence in readers’ minds and their impact cannot be doubted. Returning to the intermedial make-up of eighteenth-century illustrations of Defoe’s classic allows us a sophisticated historical understanding of the work as changeable, adaptable, and malleable, as a work frequently shaped through the medium of illustration.


Sandro Jung is Level 2 Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature and Director of the Centre for the Study of Text and Print Culture at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, where he also serves as Head of Literature. He is also Jack Ma Distinguished Professor at Hangzhou Normal University. A Past President of the East-Central American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, a former Senior Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and the recipient of two European Union Marie Curie long-term fellowships, Jung has been the Editor-in-Chief of the A&HCI quarterly journal, ANQ (Routledge / Taylor & Francis) for the past 10 years. He has been the 2021 recipient of the Bibliographical Society of America’s Katherine Pantzer Senior Fellowship in the British Book Trades. He, furthermore, serves as General Editor of the Lehigh University Press book series, Studies in Text and Print Culture, as well as on the editorial boards of a number of leading peer-reviewed journals. He is the author of more than 200 publications, including more than 130 A&HCI articles and 9 monographs, as well as numerous essay collections. Recent monographs are:James Thomson’s “The Seasons,” Print Culture, and Visual Interpretation, 1730-1842(2015) andThe Publishing and Marketing of Illustrated Literature in Scotland, 1760-1825(2017). In 2023, his two latest books,Transmediation, Illustration, and Material Culture in the Eighteenth CenturyandEssays on Eighteenth-Century Literary Book Illustrationwill be published. His main areas of scholarly interest are the interdisciplinary study of literature, culture, and media of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, book and reception history, translation studies, and visual culture (and especially illustration) studies.

【桑德罗•荣格(Sandro Jung),上海财经大学英语与比较文学二级特聘教授。文本与印刷文化研究中心主任。同时也系杭州师范大学马云特聘基金教授。曾任美洲中东部十八世纪研究协会主席,亚历山大•冯•洪堡基金会前高级研究员。两次获得欧盟玛丽•居里基金长期资助,过去10年来一直担任A&HCI季刊ANQ(Routledge / Taylor & Francis)的主编。2021年获得美国凯瑟琳-潘泽书目协会高级研究基金。此外,还担任里海大学出版社《文本与印刷文化研究》丛书的总编辑。并担任多个主要同行评议期刊的编辑委员会成员。出版了200多种学术著述,其中包括130多篇A&HCI论文和9部专著,以及多部论文集。最近出版的专著有:《詹姆斯-汤姆生的<四季>印制文化与视觉解读,1730-1842》(2015年)和《苏格兰插图文学的出版与营销,1760-1825》(2017)。两部新书《跨媒介、插图和十八世纪的物质文化》以及《十八世纪文学插图随笔》将于2023年出版。主要学术研究领城是十八世纪和十九世纪文学、文化和媒体的跨学科研究,书籍和接受史研究,翻译研究以及视觉文化(特别是插图)研究。】



