45周年校庆系列活动“学涯外语讲坛”第二十九讲:德国美因茨大学 Walter Bisang教授

发布时间:2019-05-13   浏览次数:

讲座题目:Construction Grammar and constructionalization(构式语法和构式化)

主讲人:Walter Bisang 教授




Walter Bisang,世界著名语言学家、德国美因茨大学语言学系系主任,浙江大学求是讲座教授。曾任德国科学基金会(DFG)、德国语言学会洪堡奖评委会(DGfS)、德国国家语言学基金会、欧洲德法社会科学研究基金会(ANR)、等德国、国际性学术基金会或组织专家评委,法国杰出科研教学奖评委会客座委员会(AERES)主席。

Walter Bisang教授的主要研究领域为不同语言学理论比较、语言现象语法化比较及语言接触比较,具体研究范围包括:词类问题、语法系统分类、动词串行化以及语义学和句法学的交叉研究等,重点研究对象国或地区为中国、东南亚、西非(约鲁巴语等语言和东南亚其他语言比较)、高加索(格鲁吉亚语)和埃塞俄比亚等地区。Walter Bisang教授在Linguistics, Studies in Language, Lingua等国际权威期刊发表论文数十篇,出版专著近10部。


Construction Grammar (Goldberg 2006) is one of the leading linguistic theories. It contrasts with theories based on Universal Grammar by showing how grammar can be modelled from the perspective of language use (usage-based grammar). In my presentation, I will focus on constructions as the basic units of a speaker’s linguistic knowledge from a diachronic perspective and the question of how new constructions emerge in the course of time (constructionalization). This type of research is closely related to research on grammaticalization (e.g. Traugott & Trousdale 2013). Based on data from serial verbs in Chinese and some mainland Southeast Asian languages, I will discuss how and to what extent constructionalization as presented by Traugott & Trousdale (2013) contributes to our understanding of grammaticalization. Starting out from important new insights coming from that approach, I will go on showing (i) that additional modelling is needed for explaining the concrete structural properties of constructions and (ii) that the combination of a larger number of markers in a single linguistic utterance may turn out to be problematic for a coherent definition of what a construction is (for a short sketch, cf. Bisang 2017).





Bisang, W. 2017. Grammaticalization.Oxford Research Encyclopedia, Linguistics. Online publication. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.103.

Goldberg, A. 2006.Constructions atWork. TheNature ofGeneralization inLanguage.Oxford University Press/Oxford.

Traugott, E. C., & Trousdale, G. 2013.Constructionalization and Constructional Changes.Oxford University Press/Oxford.
