“学涯外语讲坛”第五十八讲:Sandro Jung教授

发布时间:2023-04-18   浏览次数:

讲座题目:Laurence Sterne’sA Sentimental Journey(1768), Vignette Practice, and Material Remediation

主讲人:Sandro Jung教授

评议人:Russell Palmer副教授

讲座时间:2023年4月20日星期四13:40 -


讲座摘要:This presentation will contextualise and discuss the creative-critical reception of Laurence Sterne’s international bestseller,A Sentimental Journey through Italy and France(1768), focusing in particular on the device of the inset (interpolated) episode, the so-called vignette. It will embed the practice of vignettisation in a wider framework of excerpting by which longer, popular works were represented metonymically through memorable passages and stories. Highlighting two episodes in particular-that of Father Lorenzo’s snuffbox and Yorick’s encounter with Maria-the presentation will introduce two kinds of material texts (a design for a fan leaf depicting three scenes from the novel and silkworks, embroidered images, of Maria and her dog). It will explain in which ways these material remediations of the vignettes contributed to knowledge ofA Sentimental Journeygenerally but to a sentimental understanding of the vignettes and their evocative power in particular.


Sandro Jung is Distinguished Professor in the College of Foreign Languages and Literature at Fudan University. Jung has been the Editor-in-Chief of the A&HCI quarterly journalANQfor the past 10 years. He, furthermore, serves as General Editor of the Lehigh University Press book series, Studies in Text and Print Culture, as well as on the editorial boards of a number of leading peer-reviewed journals. He is the author of more than 200 publications, including more than 130 A&HCI articles and 9 monographs, as well as numerous essay collections. His main areas of scholarly interest are the interdisciplinary study of literature, culture, and media of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, book and reception history, translation studies, and visual culture (and especially illustration) studies.

专家简介:桑德罗·荣格(Sandro Jung),复旦大学外国语言文学学院二级特聘教授,担任A&HCI检索季刊ANQ的主编、里海大学出版社《文本与印刷文化研究》丛书总主编。发表130多篇A&HCI检索论文,出版9部专著及多部论文集。主要学术研究领域为十八世纪和十九世纪文学、文化与媒体的跨学科研究、书籍和接受史研究、翻译研究以及视觉文化(特别是插图)研究。

Russell Palmer is an Associate Professor in the College of Foreign Languages and Literature at Fudan University. His research interests focus on the long-term reception of literary works. He is currently workingonthe reception ofRobinson Crusoein the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and his second book project, which investigates the literary, cultural, and material histories of the classic English folk tale, “Children in the Wood.” Since 2016, he has been the Editorial Assistant forANQ(A&HCI) and he sits on the editorial advisory board of Post-Medieval Archaeology (A&HCI). In 2021, he was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London. His first monograph was published in 2021 and he is author of 12 A&HCI/SSCI publications.



